電車: JR氷見線 雨晴駅周辺 自動車: 道の駅 雨晴周辺(無料駐車場あり)
Ameharashi Coast
At Ameharashi Coast, it can be seen Tate mountain range from the coast. Such a place that can oversee over 3,000m mountains from the coast is very few in the world.
It was sunny when I visited there, but I couldn’t see Tate mountain range because of a haze or something. If you want to see this beautiful scenery, you should go there on the Winter season in which the air is clean.
The train running along with the coast is JR Himishi-line. It has only one train an hour for both up and down line. If you want to take a picture of the train, you should go with enough time.